2014/12/24 16:04:36 来源:中国产业发展研究网 【字体:大 中 小】【收藏本页】【打印】【关闭】
核心提示: GitHub官方博客公告12月24日消息,分布式开源代码库Github在官方博客上宣布,由于RC4的验证和加密算法易于受到黑客攻击,该网站将从2015年1月5GitHub官方博客公告
Github称,这意味着,从2015年1月5日起,用户使用Windows XP(以下简称XP)系统上的IE浏览器时将无法进入github.com网站。
不过,Github表示,git-scm.com页面上的“git客户”(git client)仍支持Windows XP。
To keep GitHub as secure as possible for every user, we will remove RC4 support in our SSL configuration on github.com and in the GitHub API on January 5th 2015.
RC4 has a number of cryptographic weaknesses that may be exploited, impacting the security of your data. More details about these vulnerabilities are listed in the current IETF draft.
If you are using Internet Explorer on Windows XP, you will no longer be able to accessgithub.com once this change takes place. Windows XP only supports outdated SSL ciphers, is no longer supported by Microsoft, and contains a known critical security problem in its SSL implementation.
We strongly recommend that Windows XP users upgrade to a newer version of Windows. If this is not possible, you will need to use Chrome or Firefox to access GitHub on Windows XP. Thegit client available at git-scm.com still works on Windows XP.
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